Saturday, November 23, 2024

Miracle Weight Loss Supplements – Your Partner In Weight Loss?

Overweight and obesity are very common these days and people try to attempt several methods to lose excess and unwanted weight. Overweight not only changes the way you look but also has comes with the possibility of health risks. Therefore overweight persons have to take up one method or the other to lose the excess fat. What is more important than losing one's weight is losing it quickly and safely. One such method of losing weight is the weight loss supplements. There are a lot of weight loss supplements available over the counter claiming to have miraculous effect in losing weight quickly and easily. Not all these supplements are good. So before you buy weight loss supplements ensure that it is both effective and safe.

Always choose the best weight loss supplements by reviewing them thoroughly and opt for renowned makers. Weight loss supplements act in many ways to help reduce weight. Some of these weight loss supplements try to speed up your metabolism. Some stimulate the thyroid gland increasing the active hormone production. Some claim to stimulate the muscles in burning glucose saying that it helps in weight loss. There are some weight loss supplements that have effect on producing heat, which is again a process of spending calories. Some chromium based weight loss supplements can be very dangerous as they may damage the genetic materials in the cells.

One of the problems is that some of these weight loss supplements are untested, unproven and are neither effective nor safe. So before you choose your weight loss supplements make sure you have made the right choice.

One other type of weight loss supplement is available in the market, claims to melt away fat while you sleep. The ingredients in this supplement are supposed to be collagen hydrolysate and Vera. While collagen is like protein in normal food and helps in muscle building Vera is a laxative. This instruction along with this weight loss supplement is that the persons using this supplement should not eat anything for three hours before going to bed. The laxative effect of Vera adds to weight loss. It is actually the decrease in consumption rather than the supplement that helps one to lose weight. Weight loss supplements also include sweeteners with low calorie value. The main advantage with these sweeteners is that they are approved by FDA for their safety. These sweeteners can be very safely used even by pregnant women and children.

Further there are thermogenic fat burners. These weight loss supplements raise the temperature of your body and thus increase the number of calories burned. These have proved successful and effective in losing weight. Like other weight loss supplements, these have to be used moderately and not abused. Short term usage of these thermogenic weight loss supplements have proved successful and resulted in good weight loss.

One other form of weight loss supplements is the fiber powder or the pills. Generally fiber food makes you feel full and also helps in stimulating the contractions of your intestines. So these kinds of weight loss supplements create a feeling of fullness and there will be weight loss because of the emptying of your intestines. The problem is taking fiber in concentrated forms like pills and powder for a longer period may lead to diarrhea, nausea and you may also become dependent on fiber supplements for bowel regulation. Ensure that you consider and take the correct amount of weight loss supplements after proper consultation. Further, weight loss supplements along with other things like exercise, nutritional diet etc, will help in safe and effective weight loss.

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Saturday, November 16, 2024

Mind Over Matter: Key Strategies For Weight Loss Success

Katie, a 33-year-old mother of two, has been on her share of diets over the years.  From Weight Watchers to the Zone to Sugar Busters, she feels as if she has tried them all.  While she has had moderate success in losing weight from time to time, she has never found a long-term weight loss solution.  Her weight is a point of contention in her marriage; her husband—who also happens to be obese—wishes she were thin, but says he loves her anyway.  The two have been separated a number of times, and even filed for divorce once.  The stress has caused Katie to begin binge eating again. 

There is hope for Katie and others like her who feel as if they’re trapped on the diet carousel.  The key to long-term weight loss success may not be the body, but the mind.  Research indicates that those who have a positive outlook on life are more likely to lose weight—and stay thin.  But how can you have a positive outlook when you’ve been burned so many times before?  Is it possible to “will your way” to losing weight?

One technique that has been proven effective in sports training is something called visualization.  For instance, a baseball player might visualize his bat connecting with a ball, leading to a homerun.  A soccer player might visualize kicking the winning goal in a soccer match.  And a golfer might visualize sinking the winning putt in the Masters Tournament.

The same technique can be used by dieters.  Visualize yourself as thin.  Picture yourself in that dress that is now two sizes too small.  Imagine stepping onto the scale and being pleased with the result.  Visualize yourself saying “no” to that piece of chocolate cake or that plate of Fettuccine Alfredo.  These mind exercises can help to spur you onto weight loss.

When people learn they are suffering from cancer, they are encouraged to imagine their cancer cells being destroyed by healthy cells.  You can follow the same technique in order to lose weight.  That means imagining your fat cells being destroyed by thin cells.  Through such a method, you can “think your way” to a healthy weight. 

In addition, it is critically important that you maintain a positive attitude.  Be forgiving of yourself.  If you veer off your diet plan, simply get back on course with your next meal.  Don’t spend precious time “beating yourself up” over your failures.  Instead, celebrate your successes—in a non-fattening way.  For instance, when you reach a milestone—say you’ve lost ten pounds—reward yourself with a trip to an art museum or to your favorite coffee shop  (but skip the cream and sugar). Marking milestones will give you a sense of accomplishment, a sense that you are triumphing over food.

Another helpful technique can be prayer or meditation.  Some support groups even offer Bible-based weight loss programs that use scripture verses to help inspire.  Taking stock of your life and handing your weight loss problems over to a higher power can be cathartic and may give you a sense of peace about your weight difficulties.  It has been said that a clear head leads to a healthy body.  Try praying or meditating ten minutes at the start of your day.  Chances are you will feel refreshed and ready to tackle the weight challenges that come your way.

Yet another technique you might consider is role-playing.  Grab your spouse or a friend and ask him or her to act out a situation in which you might be tempted to overeat.  You’ll be forced to come up with strategies to fight temptation.   This rehearsal could prove to be quite helpful when a real life diet dilemma comes your way.  If role-playing works for job interviews, it should be beneficial for your weight as well.   

Mind over matter is not just a clever saying.  It can actually be the solution to your weight loss problems.  By using your brain power, you can develop the techniques needed to make healthy food choices.   When your mind and your body are both healthy, you have the best of both worlds.

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Saturday, November 9, 2024

Metabolism - What is it and How Can I Control It?

Many of my clients were initially overweight, not all, but most were. In fact, more than 60% of my clients came to me to help them lose weight. The other 40% is a mixture of people who want to live longer, who want to look sexier, who want to add muscle to their physique, or who just want to live a healthy, energy-rich life.

Today, I'm going to focus on helping those people who want to lose weight, not because I think that the topic of weight loss is more important than other topics I could cover, but because I think I need to clear up a few false ideas that are circulating in the industry.

First and foremost, if you're overweight, there's a very good chance that you have a low metabolism! I know that might not be shocking to you. You may have already thought that you had a slow metabolism, but here's why I'm re-stating it...

Having a slow metabolism means that you can eat 'only a little food' and still gain more weight than your neighbor who eats far more than you every day of his or her life.

Your metabolism is basically a bunch of organs and glands that are responsible for regulating how your body burns food for fuel and how it converts that food into energy. These include the thyroid, pancreas, stomach, small and large intestines, and the colon.

When you have a slow metabolism there's a good chance that one of more of these systems is out of balance or just plain not working properly (and that's almost always due to improper living, disease, drugs, or a severe accident).

But there are more causes for being overweight other than having a low metabolism. You see, overweight people tend to eat when they're not hungry, they tend to have a larger appetite, they tend to eat "diet foods" more often (which are rarely conducive to weight loss as the label suggests), they tend to eat before they go to bed, and worst of all they tend to see themselves as being overweight.

Now you can clean up almost all of this mess by living a healthy lifestyle, or if you've read any of my books or listened to any of the audio programs my company has out, then you already know all the basics associated with living a lean, healthy lifestyle.

But the underlying problem that can never be cleared up simply with your actions, is the way you see yourself when you close your eyes.

Studies at the National Metabolic and Longevity Research Center have taught me that overweight people constantly think about their weight in a negative way, thus creating the undesired effect. It's true that you become what you think about, and if you constantly see yourself as being fat, you'll never be thin!

Here's a tip...for the next 30 days (it takes 28 - 30 days to change how you subconsciously think of yourself) take a few minutes in the morning and picture a great looking, tight, sexy body from head to toe - then put your face on that body. 

Do this exercise again in the mid afternoon, and then again right before you fall asleep at night.

Do this for 30 days and I guarantee that you'll experience a dramatic change in the way your body looks.

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