Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Longevity Possibility


     Life span is the formal term for how long an organism lives, from first having its own life until it eventually dies. This depends on several factors.

     One is heredity or the inheritance of genetic characteristics from parents. If ancestors normally live long lives, the organism, its off-springs and succeeding generations are likely to be the same.

     Another factor is the environment in which an organism lives in. This has to do with the availability of sustaining food, shelter and climate as well as the presence of deadly adversaries.

     Still another factor is the changing conditions of the organism itself as may be brought about by diseases as well as damaging or deadly accidents.

     The study of human life span is complicated. Different locations, times and situations are factored in. Circumstances such as wars, plagues and the ability to cope with them, nutrition, levels of physical activity, lifestyles, pollution and many other factors may have to be considered. There have been times much earlier than ours when average human life spans where relatively shorter. Today, thanks to the prevailing world peace and advances in Medicine, we have made some gains.

     In a bid to discover methods at prolonging a healthy life, there are ongoing studies, rather, persistent efforts to come up with so-called anti-aging protocols. Directly or indirectly, some of these may be centered on heredity.

     There are speculations that consider life span as one of the many genetic characteristics, giving the impression that whatever it is that keeps us from living longer lives may be found in our genes. Perhaps, in what is called the Human Genome Project, scientists will eventually succeed in such a discovery. Perhaps, what has been "programmed" can be altered to make us seemingly immortal as the Anunnaki. With the present technology, this remains in the realm of fantasy. However, genetic engineering or the technology that can alter genetic traits is already a recognized area of scientific study.

     Meanwhile, in the field of Medicine or alternative Medicine, some boldly consider physical aging as a disease which can be controlled or, at least, delayed. This has led to discoveries and advances in various interrelated fields.

     In the last few decades, we have witnessed the proliferation of ideas, products and services all aimed at the kind of health that retards senescence. There has been a noticeable shift in the health-care industry. It seems that powerful and often expensive medications have failed to lower the incidence of heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes and other killer diseases. Because of this, popular attention has increasingly favored alternative Medicine. Methods considered as "natural" and supplements referred to as "organic" became trendy.

     Health is wealth, and health that leads to a long active life is a most desirable ideal. Who wouldn't wish to be so active as to feel like 30 years younger at the age of, say, 80? Just imagine being that old in years yet remain ever-confident of new beginnings rather than be miserable about having wasted the past. It means so much to one's sense of self-worth and self-esteem to be able to accomplish more things that add value to one's existence even in old age.

     From a religious perspective, an extended life span allows more time to know God, to think things over, to turn a new leaf, to be productive, and to be able to serve the ultimate source of Grace through acts of charity.

     According to the Bible (Genesis 5), early humans were able to reach the age of 900 and up, to have children even when already a century old. Mathusale became the father of Lamech at age 187, and he went on to age 969. Wow! The assumption that "God" fixed the age limit at 120 based on a misinterpretation of Genesis 6:3 is readily brushed aside by Noe's eventual record of 950 (Genesis 9:28).

     In Genesis 11, there is a noticeable decline in longevity. It would seem that a genetic trait is waning. However, Thare begot Abram at the age of 70 and reached the age of 205. Abraham was 89 years old when he begot Ismael (Genesis 16:15). He was a century old when the second son, Isaac, was born (Genesis 21:5). The mother, Sara, was 90 years old at the time. Abraham died at the age of 175 (Genesis 25:7)

     Though rare, we can still hear of people hitting the 100-year mark and a few years beyond. However, it is almost fantasy to imagine reaching 70 without suffering from the disabling symptoms of physical aging or senescence. I don't think anybody would be too happy with longevity while spending life as a vegetable.

     So, we ask, why has this senescence come upon Man at relatively younger ages in our time?

     Half-seriously, since I'm inclined to believe in the writings of Zecharia Sitchin, I think the genetic influence of the seemingly immortal Anunnaki has waned. Seriously, I think we are resting ourselves to death. The human body is designed for physical activity. Technology and tools have rendered us less active than our ancestors.

     There are other aggravating factors, of course, like diet and environmental pollution. But, really, it is how we use our bodies that keep them in tip-top condition.

     So, is there anything we can do to reach a hundred years or more with some active dignity?

     I've heard of things called telomeres and a ground-breaking new therapy called TA-65 but these lead to really expensive investments. What can the average cash-strapped human being do?

     Decades ago, a martial arts magazine featured Li Ching-Yuen, a 250-year old man of China who reportedly lived just a few centuries ago. The man joined the army at age 70. He is said to have had several wives who all died of old age in succession. The man was a chi kung master and herbalist. Below is the Wikipedia page about him:

     Chi kung master and herbalist. That's noteworthy. Perhaps, with a similar discipline, we too can hope to emulate the man. It means that a long and healthy life is still possible for us.

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