Saturday, December 23, 2023

How to Reduce Your Risk of Getting Cancer In Your Lifetime

In the western world, we are going through a bit of what some experts call a “cancer epidemic.” More and more people are getting cancer in their lifetime. A lot of this is due to the lifestyles that people lead. Certain choices in life will increase a person’s risk of developing cancer. In this article, we are going to cover some ways that people can reduce their risk of getting cancer. 

Quit smoking

This one really goes without saying. By now, everyone should know of the various negative health effects associated with smoking. Cigarettes cause cancer because of the huge amount of chemicals that are contained within the cigarettes themselves and the smoke produced by the cigarettes. Cigarettes do not just cause lung cancer either, they can also cause throat cancer, mouth cancer, and larynx cancer. Cigarettes can even cause cancer in areas that you would not expect, such as the stomach or the cervix. 

Maintain a healthy weight

Obesity has long been linked with an increased risk of cancer. This is especially true with obese women, who are at a far greater risk of developing breast cancer than non-obese women. Now, obesity can cause a wide array of non-cancer related health issues, so even if it did not cause cancer, people who struggle with obesity should seek to change that. 

Avoid excessive drinking

Drinking alcohol in small quantities can be healthy for you. Red wine, for example, has a wide variety of health benefits when it is consumed in moderation. But, when alcohol is consumed excessively for a long period of time, then it can start to cause a variety of health issues, one of which is an increased risk of developing cancer. People who drink excessively are at risk of developing several varieties of cancer, including stomach cancer, kidney cancer, and liver cancer.

Avoid tanning 

One of the most common types of cancer out there is skin cancer. Getting some sunlight is crucial for humans, who need the vitamin D that the sun provides. But, letting the sun’s UV rays hit your unprotected skin will drastically increase your risk of getting cancer. Avoid tanning or sunbathing and make sure that if you go outside with uncovered skin (for example, if you are going to the beach) then make sure that you bring a strong sunscreen to protect you from the UV rays. 

These are 4 strategies that you can use to reduce your risk of getting cancer. There is no one method to prevent someone from getting cancer, but using these strategies can help lower your chances. 

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