Word “Diet” actually refers to what a person eats or drinks during the course of a day and our body weight is the result of what and how much we eat and drink. Therefore, for maintaining a healthy body and to look good we must follow a proper Diet Plan.
For a diet to be ideal, it must be nutritionally balanced, i.e., it must include a wide variety of foods with enough calories and nutrients. And a Diet Plan should be easy to follow so that one can maintain the consistency following it throughout his life. Nutrition plays a great role in your health.
As we all know that negligent and mismanaged eating habits lead to the health problem called Obesity, people are affected with it globally. It is the major cause for diseases like diabetes, heart attack, different types of cancer, osteoarthritis etc. Hence, a suitable diet plan will play a vital role to escape from Obesity.
Low carbohydrate or Low Carb Diet is a diet with less assemblage of carbohydrate with increased proportion of protein and fat. It is recommended to the people who are obese and diabetic, with high cholesterol level, high blood pressure and hypoglysemia.Excess intake of carbohydrate results in weight gain because it allows body to produce and release high amount of insulin, resulting high blood pressure, that damages blood vessels by raising the level of triglycerides which is a fat present in the blood and it lowers HDL cholesterol level that protects against heart diseases.
Moreover, a low carb diet is beneficial as it promotes decreased amount of insulin production and allows consumption of fat as an energy source.
Various components of a low carb diets are saturated fat like stearic acid found in beef and other fats including coconut oil, olive oil, butter, cheese, lard, fish oil, tallow, palm kernel oil, peanut oil, and flaxseed oil with unlimited amounts of meat, limited amount of green vegetables can be taken, with a good supplement of vitamin and minerals.
Before taking “Weight Loss” sessions one must know the actual requirement of Weight Loss Supplements. If you need to burn more calories throughout the day, you may need thermogenic supplements. If you need to control your overeating habit, then you may need appetite-control supplements.
With a boom in the weight loss industries, we see plenty of weight loss products everywhere. Weight loss supplements includes pills from Herbalife and Metabolife, fat-burners, stackers and other diet or sports supplements.
When we come across the word “Herbal,” we feel that it is all safe to consume it, but it was reported that herbal pills containing Ephedra have shown many side effects similar to weight loss drugs. So, manufacturers are now trying to make weight loss supplements Ephedra free.
As the saying goes “slow and steady wins the race.” Accordingly, if everyone follows a diet plan thoroughly without any break and without taking help from weight loss supplements, the result will be permanent, health friendly and more satisfying.
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