Saturday, December 9, 2023

How Does Stress and Anxiety Affect Life Expectancy?

'It will put me in an early grave!' is a phrase we often hear when people are complaining about the amount of stress and anxiety they are going through. While it is usually said tongue-in-cheek, there is more truth than we realize in this statement. Too much stress and anxiety in your life can have adverse effects, which could cause serious problems in the long run. 

Whether it's stress at home, stress in the work place or stress caused by other issues such as money matters or a death in the family, feeling like you can't relax isn't good for you. 

People who experience recurrent depression and/or anxiety statistically have a life expectancy of 7-11 years less than somebody without the same issues. People who worrying about things a lot or stay awake at night stressing could be reducing their lives by up to 20 years. 

What health problems come with stress and anxiety? 

Stressing out about things releases too much cortisol into your system, which brings with it many different health issues. Weight gain is among the most common among these, which could lead to obesity, heart disease, diabetes and strokes. It also affects your ability to think properly and concentrate on tasks, affecting your performance at work or school. Apart from that, too much cortisol can knock your blood pressure into an unhealthy range, usually by making it too high. These are the problems which cause people to live shorter lives – it is not necessarily the stress itself but all the other things that come along with it. 

How to reduce your stress and anxiety levels

There are several things you can do to get rid of some of the stress and anxiety that you are feeling. 

Exercise regularly. This releases dopamine which is the 'happy' hormone and can help to counterbalance the high levels of cortisol in your body. 

Write your thoughts down or speak to somebody. Many of us feel like we are burdened with all our stresses, and talking about it with someone else can help us feel like we have gotten rid of some of it. 

Take a bath and light candles. Play some relaxing music too and ask other people in the house to be quiet for a while. 

Spend time with people you love. This will make you feel happier and less stressed, and if they're happy to lend an ear for you to chat about your worries, that's a bonus! 

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