Saturday, October 14, 2023

5 Eating Habits To Help You Live Longer

When it comes to eating healthy, many of us are tempted to stray and go for the more tasty and enticing junk food instead. However, eating healthier can help you to live longer, and after all, what good is sugary food if you're not around to enjoy it? Here are five eating habits that you can change in order to prolong your life. 

1. Eat plant-based foods

Following a Paleo-style diet, or caveman diet, is one of the best things to help make your life longer. The Paleo diet is based on the idea that thousands of years ago, cavemen wouldn't have ate anything that didn't come from the earth. This would include vegetables and fruits, meats and grains, but little else. Increase your intake of broccoli and other greens – you can do this by adding a few to your meals each day. 

2. Eat less meat

You don't necessarily need to cut out meat altogether from your diet, but you should cut down on the amount of meat you consume in order to stay healthier. If you do eat meat, try to avoid bacon and red meats such as steaks, and also stay away from meats which contain a lot of fat. Choose lean meats such as chicken, turkey and ham. Red meats are full of iron, which our bodies need, but at the same time, too much of it can increase the risk of heart disease and heart attacks, which are one of the leading causes of death in middle-aged and older people. 

3. Snack on nuts

Statistically, those who eat a handful of nuts each day are likely to live longer. Nuts are full of protein, making them a great snack for people who are allergic to various dairy products. They are also known to increase energy levels and lower cholesterol. High cholesterol is one of the reasons people suffer health problems in later life, so working to bring this down can help you to live longer. 

4. Eat less dairy products

There is a continuous debate in the health world about whether or not we actually need cow's milk, so while young children should avoid too much soya in their diet, you can find healthier alternatives to cow's milk in the supermarket. Rice milk, coconut milk and almond milk are all suitable options if you want to cut down on the amount of cow's milk you're consuming each day. Try feta cheese instead of cheddar, and check out the other non-dairy products in your local stores. 

5. Swap white carbs for whole grains

Instead of buying white breads, white rice and white pasta, opt for the brown alternatives instead. These are much healthier for you, and particularly with rice and pasta, you won't even notice a difference in taste. 

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